Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Target deals (part 1)

I went to Target last night to check on some of the deals I had read about online and I found some exciting deals of my own. I got a can of Steaz iced tea, a pair of underwear and a bag of lettuce (strange grouping of items, I know) for $1.85 including tax!

I had a coupon to try the tea for free, the underwear were on the clearance rack for $.75/pair and the bagged Dole Romaine salad mix was also on clearance for $1!

Unfortunately my excitement about the deal was dampened when I found out the salad had already gone pretty slimy, even though it was not supposed to expire until today. I was able to pick out a usable portion for dinner and have purchased salads at Target before with better results so I will try not to let this stop me from getting another good deal in the future!

Tip: If you like bagged salad mixes, I have noticed that Target puts them on clearance with a day or two left before their sell-by date. I have only seen these when I visit Target during the week, not on weekends. If you are willing to try it and want to serve the salad that day, you can save big $$$!!!

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